What kind of gear did you use to film this. This Is Barry: I love the lighting it set the mood so well, so grim. One that was easy to wash off for the blood pooling on the floor (thank god it did wash off) and then an edible version for Catherine to be able to consume that had a nice chunky texture to it. I was lucky enough to have Maria-Rachelle D’amour on set who is an amazing practical effects artist! She did all the makeup, bite wounds and two types of fake blood. Was it quite the struggle to get the blood just right? I mean there are so many mainstream films that still work the blood to look like paint 🙂 This Is Barry: The detailing is incredible. Essentially the scene that I cut was a fast-paced montage where we see Alex making out with one of the band members in their car and then the band member biting her and setting off the events of the film. Yeah! The second draft of the film actually had her backstory in it as a flashback sequence but I decided to cut it out to save the pacing and because it didn’t feel necessary. Is the backstory fully drawn out in your mind? Would you like to share some titbits about it? This Is Barry: I’m guessing you wanted to leave the audience wondering what the origin of Patient-0 was. I animate my films before production so that we know exactly what we need and can be in and out of the location in the least amount of time possible. And then with Hana Kashaf who plays Olivia I had seen some of her theatre work in the past and thought that her performances were really good!Īs far as execution goes we managed to get access to a bathroom in a very bougie restaurant that my art director Emma Kredl had to make look like a dirty venue bathroom despite it being spotless at the start! Then we shot for around 11 hours split between two days. With Catherine Saindon who plays Alex, I had seen her in a local film at its Fantasia screening and knew she’d be great for the role! So, when I found out that my casting director Marco Carreiro was friends with her I nudged him in that direction haha. So, I ended up reworking the parts of it that I liked and got First Bite out of it! I’m also obsessed with the film Green Room and metal music so I wanted to make something in honour of them both!Īs far as my crew goes it was mostly filled with friends who are also filmmakers, as well as some new faces I hadn’t worked with before who were friends with said friends!
Vincenzo: Well, initially I had a body horror script about a girl who slowly turned into a crab but it got a little out there and didn’t quite work as a script haha. This Is Barry: How did it all come together? The idea, your cast & crew, the execution. It’s something I’ve done for nearly every film I’ve made! Vincenzo: Thanks! I haven’t thought about a feature for this one too much, but I do have an alien abduction horror/comedy short coming up that I’m penning a feature for! I do like to end my shorts at their highest points to make it feel like there’s more beyond the short itself. Do you have any plans to expand this to a full-length feature film? It feels like there is more meat to this. This Is Barry: Hah! Wow, Vincenzo, that short film had quite the stinger. First Bite (2020): Interview with Vincenzo Nappi